Mining Phase 2 is NOW LAUNCHED
with mining migration functions at the same time.
$SHD- $ETH, $BIR- $ETH, $CKA- $ETH, $SHD- $BNB, $RBT- $BNB LP mining pools have been opened.
Mining Phase 2 is NOW LAUNCHED
with mining migration functions at the same time.
$SHD- $ETH, $BIR- $ETH, $CKA- $ETH, $SHD- $BNB, $RBT- $BNB LP mining pools have been opened.
Hi there!
I have a question: If I stake some SHD-BNB LP in the Mining Phase 2 Pool lets say for 12 months, can I harvest the pending harvest SHD whenever I want or do I have to wait until my 12 month stake period (aka expiration time) is finished?
Thank you!
Hi, you have to wait until the stake period is finished.